Music of the Infantry School Corps 1885-1887

PANB P132-4

Between 1885 and 1887, Lieutenant-Colonel George J. Maunsell (1836-1906) composed these three pieces of music for the newly formed Infantry School Corps band in Fredericton. This Infantry School Corps band was the first military band in Canada, and was formed by Band Master Sergeant Charles Hayes, a graduate of Kneller Hall Royal School of Music in Twickenham, England

Fredericton Region Museum
Gift of P. Louise Young

● “Fern Hill Waltzes” (1885) - dedicated to Lady Eugenie Middleton (1846-1899), wife of Sir Frederick Middleton, who was the British General commanding Canadian forces during the Battle of Batoche; 

Fredericton Region Museum
Gift of P. Louise Young

● “Pro Patria” (1886) - dedicated to Lady Alice Caron (1837-1924), wife of Lord Caron, who was the Minister of Militia and Defence in the government of Sir John A. Macdonald, and directed the assault on Indigenous peoples in Saskatchewan; and 

Fredericton Region Museum
Gift of P. Louise Young

● “Jubilee Polka” (1887) - dedicated to Lady Alice Tilley (1843-1921), wife of Sir Samuel Leonard Tilley, Lieutenant-Governor of New Brunswick. Lady Tilley is best remembered for founding the first hospital in Fredericton, established in 1887 as the Victoria Cottage Hospital.