5. Matthew O. McClenahan's "House-wife" (Sewing Kit), c.1888-1893 - « House-wife » de Matthew O. McClenahan's (Ensemble de couture), c.1888-1893

Matthew O. McClenahan's "House-wife" (Sewing Kit), c.1888-1893
Gift of Elizabeth Malloy

Handmade for Matthew O. McClenahan when he was serving as a bugle boy in the South African War. He served in The Royal Canadian Regiment of Infantry for 5 years (1888 - c.1893).


« House-wife » de Matthew O. McClenahan's (Ensemble de couture), c.1888-1893
Cadeau d'Elizabeth Malloy

Fait à la main pour Matthew O. McClenahan quand il servait comme un claironniste durant la guerre d'Afrique du Sud. Il a servi dans le Royal Canadian Regiment d'infanterie pendant 5 ans (1888 - c.1893).